Friday, June 1, 2007

My poor brain...

I just realized that my poor brain has to be overwrought (good joke, isn't it) or something like that...
I finished reading Under the Tuscan Sun two or three weeks ago (I can't even remember when, aaaaaaaaaaaaah) and was sure that I wrote an entry about it... But I didn't! Hallucinations? Probably...

Well, my short conclusion is: I liked the book. I mean after reading JWI, I guess I would have loved ANY book, but I think I would have liked it even if I hadn't had such a traumatic book experience before...
I've never been a person dreaming of leaving her homecountry and moving to a new place and more or less building up a new existence. But the book made me dream of that...
In my eyes, what makes a book a goog book is that it makes you feel as if you were there. And this really was the case. When Frances Mayes described how she walked through the house and loved every room and just enjoyed it I could imagine what this must be like. And when she wrote about Italian piazzas and restaurants, I felt the strong desire to have a coffee and to eat something (very very bad, maybe I should blame Francis Mayles for what the mean little boy did to me).

On the other hand, I have to admit that sometimes she exaggerated her descpritions. The way she describes Italian life and Italian mentality is great, but there are so many descriptions of ways she likes to walk along with exact details about the churches and trees and stones and dust particles are too much... Or at least, that's too much for ME.

And if I liked cooking I would also try some of her receipes... But I'll try to find someone to cook for me since all that really sounded like I HAVE to eat it.

Well, that's it I guess... My brain needs some rest, who knows what will happen next if it doesn't get the ease it needs?

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